Reminder....there is no school Monday, November 11th for Veterans’ Day. Enjoy the long weekend!
3 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
Veterans' Day
REMINDER! Sioux Falls School District schools and offices will be CLOSED on Monday, November 11, in honor of Veteran’s Day. Thank you to all who have served! Especially SFSD staff members who proudly serve(d) in our schools and on the front lines. 🇺🇸
3 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
an image of a color guard standing at attention with the US flag
Thank you to the Sioux Falls Public Schools Education Foundation for the staff appreciation donation of coffee and donuts this morning. Thank you to Simply Put Coffee Trailer for the yummy drinks!
3 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
staff appreciation
staff appreciation
LBA Families! Let’s gather for a morning of donuts, juice, and bananas while fostering meaningful connections with your students. Be sure to mark your calendars! Flyers will be sent home with students as a reminder
3 months ago, Chris Bierle
LBA Mindfulness Morning!
One of our 5th grade classes had their last day at Starbase today. STARBASE is a 5-day program, 25-hour academy, where students and teachers attend one day a week for 5 weeks during the school year. They provide innovative educational programs in unconventional settings that focus on science, technology, engineering, math and teamwork skills. Einstein even made an appearance.
3 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
You are invited to our Family Culture Night - Friday, November 22nd, 5-7 pm. Experience many of the cultures represented at LBA. Feel free to bring your favorite cultural dish & items to share or wear your traditional clothing from your country. Flyers were sent home with students today. Please call the office if you have any questions. We hope to see you there!
3 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
Family Culture Night
In this season of thankfulness, we are thankful for our Community Partners who Show Up for KIDS at LBA.
3 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
Community Partners
Remember to change your clocks back one hour on Sunday, November 3.
3 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
Fall Back 2024
Halloween Safety Tips
3 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
Halloween Safety Tips
It was wonderful to see over 300 people enjoying breakfast with us at our parent breakfast and annual Title I meeting! A big thank you goes out to the Oak Hills volunteers for their support.
3 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
parent breakfast at LBA
parent breakfast at LBA
parent breakfast at LBA
parent breakfast at LBA
parent breakfast at LBA
parent breakfast at LBA
Congratulations to our 1st quarter Top Bees! These students have been nominated by either their classroom teacher, specials teacher, and/or classmates based on good character here at Laura B. Anderson. We are so proud of you!
3 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
Top Bees
Top Bees
Top Bees
Top Bees
Top Bees
Top Bees
Our Kindergarten classes had a wonderful time at the Zoo. Thanks to the Promising Futures Fund for sponsoring this trip.
3 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
Kindergarten Zoo Field Trip
Kindergarten Zoo Field Trip
Kindergarten Zoo Field Trip
Kindergarten Zoo Field Trip
Kindergarten Zoo Field Trip
Kindergarten Zoo Field Trip
Kindergarten Zoo Field Trip
Kindergarten Zoo Field Trip
Kindergarten Zoo Field Trip
Kindergarten Zoo Field Trip
Please make plans to join us at school tomorrow, Friday, October 25th at 7:15 am for a free Family Breakfast! We will have egg bake, fruit, juice, milk, and coffee. At about 7:30 am, Mr. Helleson will share some information at our Annual Title I Family Meeting. Then at 8:00 am, families and students will be dismissed to classrooms where teachers will share about some of the great things that are going on in our classrooms. At 8:30 am, families will be dismissed, and students will get on with our regular school day. Please reach out if you have questions. I hope you all can join us!
3 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
parent breakfast
Title I Annual Parent Meeting
Picture Retakes are tomorrow at LBA. Students need to bring the return packet to get re-takes or an envelope if they are ordering for the first time. All students who did not get a picture done on September 17th will have their picture taken.
4 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
Picture Retakes at LBA
Our Early Childhood students planted bulbs in the garden beds on their playground today. In the spring we will have a beautiful garden.
4 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
EC garden planting
EC garden planting
EC garden planting
EC garden planting
Early Childhood hosted a Book Bash today. Parents were given information on parent classes and policy council and then joined their kiddos in their classroom for food, a photo booth, bookmark craft, and to pick out books to take home.
4 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
EC bookbash
EC bookbash
EC bookbash
EC bookbash
EC bookbash
Second grade has been busy writing, editing, and publishing books and we enjoyed sharing our work with our classmates with a Gallery Walk! We loved reading and sharing feedback/compliments with one another!
4 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
2nd grade gallery walk
2nd grade gallery walk
2nd grade gallery walk
2nd grade gallery walk
Picture Retakes are next week on Thursday, October 24th. Students will need to bring back their picture packets if they want retakes done. Also, all new to LBA students or students who were absent on the original Picture Day will have their pictures done. Extra order forms are in the office. Please contact the office if you have any questions or need a form sent home.
4 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
picture retakes
Check out this news story about some new artwork in our hallway at LBA. And when you are in the building be sure to go see it in person.
4 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
We had a donation of pumpkins from Curt the Pumpkin Man. Students in Early Childhood thru 3rd grade had a chance to pick a pumpkin from the LBA pumpkin patch in front of the school today. Thank you Curt!
4 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
pumpkin patch at LBA
pumpkin patch at LBA
pumpkin patch at LBA
pumpkin patch at LBA
pumpkin patch at LBA
pumpkin patch at LBA
pumpkin patch at LBA
pumpkin patch at LBA
pumpkin patch at LBA