Upcoming Events - Save the Dates!
4 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
upcoming events
Check out this month's newsletter! https://secure.smore.com/n/5dtw6-what-s-the-buzz
4 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
What's the buzz?
Mark your calendars for Friday, October 25th! We are having a free family breakfast and Annual Title I meeting at 7:15 am. We hope you can join us!
4 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
parent breakfast
No School Reminder - There is no school on Monday, October 14th for Native American Day and Tuesday, October 15th for Teacher Inservice and Parent Teacher Conferences. Enjoy the long weekend!
4 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
Native American Day
Teacher Inservice
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conference appointment times were sent home today. Please check backpacks. Also, school pictures were sent home today.
4 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
Parent Teacher Conferences
school pictures
Fun times at the school skate party! Thanks to all who made it out.
4 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
skate party pics
skate party pics
skate party pics
skate party pics
skate party pics
skate party pics
skate party pics
Congratulations to the Whittier Cross Country team and to former LBA student Skyler Mager on a great week!
4 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
whittier cross country
Today was National Walk or Ride Bike to School Day. SD DOT was on our playground as kids arrived handing out small gifts with reminders about safety.
4 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
safety tips
walk to school
Our first LBA Skate Party at Skate City is tonight, October 1, 6-8 pm. We hope to see you there!
4 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
Skate Party October 2024
Friday, September 27th was Brenda Thompson's birthday and we celebrated with new books. 1st grade read A Friendship Yarn and made a friendship web of compliments and then made friendship bracelets out of yarn.
4 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
friendship yarn
friendship yarn
Parent Teacher Conferences are coming soon - Tuesday, October 15th and Thursday, October 17th. Conference Preference sheets will be coming home on Monday, September 30th. Please return those to school by Friday, October 4th.
4 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
Parent Teacher Conferences
5th grade worked on a team building lesson about being a good team member.
4 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
5th grade team building
5th grade team building
5th grade team building
5th grade team building
5th grade team building
Our first Skate Party is coming up on Tuesday, October 1st, 6-8 pm. We hope to see you there!
5 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
Skate Party October 2024
Our students have been enjoying playing with student athletes from USF. Thanks for spending time with our kids!
5 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
USF recess
USF recess
USF recess
USF recess
Our 1st grade had a blast at the Country Apple Orchard! Thanks to our partners at the Promising Future Fund for sponsoring this field trip.
5 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
apple orchard field trip
apple orchard field trip
apple orchard field trip
apple orchard field trip
apple orchard field trip
apple orchard field trip
apple orchard field trip
apple orchard field trip
https://youtu.be/-znMTLcsgio "Report, Don't Repost." Parents, students, and the community are asked to take 3 minutes to hear an important message from Superintendent Jane Stavem and Police Chief Jon Thum. School safety is everyone's responsibility!
5 months ago, Sioux Falls School District
Hearing and Vision Screens will be done on students in 1st, 3rd and 5th grade on Thursday, September 19th.
5 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
hearing screen
vision screen
Our 1st grade tried three different kinds of apples to prepare for our field trip to the Apple Orchard. Yum!
5 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
tasting apples
tasting apples
tasting apples
tasting apples
tasting apples
tasting apples
Each year, on September 17, Americans celebrate Constitution Day and Citizenship Day. Our 4th and 5th grade did a scavenger hunt today while learning about the Constitution.
5 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
Constitution Day
Constitution Day
Constitution Day
Constitution Day
Constitution Day
Constitution Day
Constitution Day
Constitution Day
4th graders worked together to build systems.
5 months ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
4th grade systems
4th grade systems
4th grade systems