LBA community! Our aim is to purchase captivating materials with the 'Bee Healthy Fun Run' funds we collect to encourage students to increase attendance. Investing in STEAM equipment is one of the ways we plan to accomplish this goal. Kindly spread the word by sharing this post! (Hold control and click on link)
almost 2 years ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
STEAM Education
Save the Date: What: LBA Bee Healthy Fun Run, with dinner options available from food trucks! When: May 16th, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm (Rain date: May 18th) Who: Students participating in the run, and all others who wish to support the cause Why: All proceeds will be directed towards an attendance campaign Where: Laura B. Anderson school premises. Please watch this video for more information.
almost 2 years ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
fun run
Congratulations to LBA 5th grade band students on a successful year in beginning band! The LBA 5th grade band students recently played a concert at Whittier Middle School with approximately 150 5th grade band students from Anne Sullivan Elementary, Cleveland Elementary, Terry Redlin Elementary, Laura B. Anderson Elementary, and Eugene Field as one large band. Whittier’s Jazz Band also performed for all of the students. This was an excellent concert and a great way to get a head start on meeting new classmates for next year.
almost 2 years ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
5th grade band
We had a great time at our Family Bingo Night! We raised $1044 to be used for attendance incentives. Thank you to our friends at Oak Hills Baptist Church for supplying the prize baskets. Thank you to Chariots for Children for the donated bikes. Thanks to Coke for donating the beverages. And thanks for everyone who came out to support your school!
almost 2 years ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
Bingo Night
Bingo Night
Bingo Night
Bingo Night
Bingo Night
Bingo Night
Bingo Night
Bingo Night
Bingo Night
Bingo Night
Family Bingo Night is this Thursday, April 20th, 5-7 pm. Bingo Cards: $1 each Tickets for prize basket drawings—$0.25 / ticket Each LBA student will receive a ticket to enter into a drawing for a new bike! Concessions: Popcorn, Pop, Candy—$0.25 each Hot dog, chips & drink—$2 We are raising money for attendance incentives. Also, to have FUN! *Children must attend with an adult. We hope to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
Bingo Night
Our first grade enjoyed a trip to the Scheel's Ice Plex yesterday. Thanks to our partners at the Promising Future Fund for sponsoring this trip.
almost 2 years ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
ice skating
ice skating
ice skating
ice skating
ice skating
ice skating
ice skating
The stats are troubling-47% of SFSD students qualify for free/reduced lunches. Their family's income is not enough to make ends meet. That makes it difficult to support school fundraisers. Operation Hope & Caring helps! Get your tickets to the SF STORM game to support schools!
almost 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
Operation Hope & Caring
Family Bingo Night is this Thursday, April 20th, 5-7 pm. Bingo Cards: $1 each Tickets for prize basket drawings—$0.25 / ticket Each LBA student will receive a ticket to enter into a drawing for a new bike! Concessions: Popcorn, Pop, Candy—$0.25 each Hot dog, chips & drink—$2 We are raising money for attendance incentives. Also, to have FUN! *Children must attend with an adult. We hope to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
Family Bingo Night
Does your child have conflict resolution skills to solve everyday problems? Join us Tues, April 18 at 6pm to hear from SFSD & Avera Behavioral Health in this month's Family Forum Series segment. Watch for the link in your email. It's practical advice to strengthen families.
almost 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
Conflict Resolution
We had our last skate party for the year last week. So fun to enjoy an evening out together as a community.
almost 2 years ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
skate party
skate party
skate party
Our 2nd grade enjoyed a fun day at the Washington Pavilion. Thank you to our partners at the Promising Futures Fund for sponsoring this trip.
almost 2 years ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
students at the washington pavilion
students at the washington pavilion
students at the washington pavilion
students at the washington pavilion
students at the washington pavilion
students at the washington pavilion
The School Board has voted to move the last day of student classes to Friday, May 26, 2023 - requiring students to make up two of the five days missed due to weather. Staff will report through Friday, June 2, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Sioux Falls School District
New Last Student Day
Spring is coming and the snow is melting exposing some of the garbage in our yard. Some of our 1st graders took some time to do some clean up in our yard. Thanks for being good citizens!
almost 2 years ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
1st grade clean up
1st grade clean up
Every morning that Teacher Tripp has door duty, she asks the students would you rather questions. This week she posed this question to the students and we are wondering how you would answer?
almost 2 years ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
would you rather?
Congratulations to Mrs. Brown's class! Mr. Mendoza gave her class the Musical Excellence Award for their outstanding behavior and performance in LBA's music room.
almost 2 years ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
102 Music Award
Reminder... no school on Friday, April 7 and Monday, April 10 for Spring Break. Enjoy the long weekend!
almost 2 years ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
Spring Break
Our final Skate Party for the school year will be on Thursday, April 13, 6-8 pm at Skate City. We hope to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
Skate Party
The Whittier Road Show visited us yesterday. The Jazz Band, Select Strings and Show Choir played for us. It was great to see some former LBA students and enjoy some great music.
almost 2 years ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
jazz band
select strings
show choir
We celebrated the end of the 3rd Quarter last Friday. Congratulations to our 3rd Quarter Top Bees! These students have been nominated by either their classroom teacher, specials teacher, and/or classmates based on good character here at Laura B. Anderson. These are the Top Bees for 3rd thru 5th Grade. We are so proud of you!
almost 2 years ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
3rd grade top bees 3rd qtr
4th grade top bees 3rd qtr
5th grade top bees 3rd qtr
We celebrated the end of the 3rd Quarter last Friday. Congratulations to our 3rd Quarter Top Bees! These students have been nominated by either their classroom teacher, specials teacher, and/or classmates based on good character here at Laura B. Anderson. These are the Top Bees for Kindergarten thru 2nd Grade. We are so proud of you!
almost 2 years ago, Laura B. Anderson Elementary
1st grade top bees 3rd qtr
2nd grade top bees 3rd qtr